Emergence is three months of weekly transformational phone sessions.
The identity shift to motherhood/parenthood is an emergence, whether it’s your first child or your third, whether it’s the first few weeks or a few years have already passed by since the birth of your baby. It requires letting go of old ways of being and embracing the mystery as you find your way again. This can be confusing, disorienting and demanding. But it doesn’t mean you are broken or need fixing.
You are emerging and deserve a guide who knows the territory inside-out and is able to compassionately help you chart your own path back home to yourself and live from your truth. Emergence is therapeutic but not therapy. Healing and recovery happen but it’s more a launching pad into your inherent wholeness conceived with real mothers and those birthing themselves in mind. It’s a compassionate, non-judgmental and mindful path to the embodied and authentic expression of you as a mother or parent.
Emergence weaves together soulful support, deep listening and proven tools for transformation.
Emergence draws from many maps of the motherhood journey while honoring that your path is unique to you.
Emergence includes an exploratory questionnaire and involves a three month commitment as the minimum effective dose to allow for the process of real transformation within a supportive container.
In some cases, when deemed more effective, client and coach may mutually agree to shift meetings to every other week during the third month, thereby extending the package an additional month with the same number of sessions.. Each session is followed up with an optional recording and action steps.